WordPress Conditional Tags and Adding Class Names to The Body
Adding class names to the <body> tag is helpful. But, if your body tags all look like this on every page, then you won't be able to target specific pages with your CSS as easily:
For example, this styling will affect ALL of your <h1> tags, so if you wanted it to appear style your blog (single) posts, you'll have a much harder time:
h1 {
Ideally, you'd want it to add a .single class to your single blog posts <body> tag:
<body class="single">
This makes it much easier to be more specific with your CSS, so you can style your blog pages only:
.single h1 {
Most WordPress themes ship with this functionality out of the box, and classes are automatically added to your <body> tag. But what if your <body> tag doesn't have class names already added like that? Many custom designed sites leave this out, either accidentally or because they simply didn't bother.
Here's some code you can add to the bottom of your theme's functions.php file to add these:
// Add <body> class names to various conditional tags for easier styling
function add_custom_body_classes($classes) {
if (is_single()) $classes[] = 'single';
if (is_page()) $classes[] = 'page';
if (is_archive()) $classes[] = 'archive';
if (is_search()) {
$classes[] = 'search';
$classes[] = have_posts() ? 'search-results' : 'search-no-results';
if (is_attachment()) $classes[] = 'attachment';
if (is_404()) $classes[] = 'error404';
if (is_home()) $classes[] = 'home';
if (is_category()) $classes[] = 'category';
if (is_tag()) $classes[] = 'tag';
if (is_author()) $classes[] = 'author';
if (is_date()) $classes[] = 'date';
if (is_post_type_archive()) $classes[] = 'post-type-archive';
if (is_sticky()) $classes[] = 'sticky';
return $classes;
add_filter('body_class', 'add_custom_body_classes', 20);
function start_output_buffer() { ob_start('modify_body_tag');}
function end_output_buffer() {ob_end_flush();}
function modify_body_tag($buffer) {
$classes = get_body_class();
$class_string = implode(' ', $classes);
$class_string = trim($class_string);
$buffer = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) use ($class_string) {
if (preg_match('/class=["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i', $matches[1], $classMatches)) {
$newClassAttr = 'class="' . trim($classMatches[1] . ' ' . $class_string) . '"';
return '<body ' . preg_replace('/class=["\']([^"\']*)["\']/i', $newClassAttr, $matches[1]) . '>';
} else {
return '<body' . $matches[1] . ' class="' . $class_string . '">';
return $buffer;
add_action('template_redirect', 'start_output_buffer', 1);
add_action('shutdown', 'end_output_buffer', 0);
This adds a new CSS class to your <body> tag on page on your site, for all page types, from category pages to attachment pages to 404 pages.
Before this code, the body tag on our client's site looked like this:
Their body tag for single blog posts now looks like this:
<body class="post-template-default single single-post postid-462534 single-format-standard logged-in theme-wp woocommerce-no-js">
This makes styling specific page types in CSS much easier. We can now target by the specific post ID, whether or not the user is logged in, by the template name, and more! You'll see your other pages now have these same tags.
Has this helped you? Any questions for me? Leave me a comment below! I'd love to hear from you.
September 17, 2024
It really helps target specific pages in CSS if you add custom class names to the body tag. The extra code makes styling so much easier... Thanks for sharing! 😊
September 23, 2024
Hey Demarcus!
Yeah you're absolutely right! Adding custom class names to the body tag definitely makes CSS targeting really easy.
I like to add classes for specific plugins or sections too just to keep things organized. You know a bit of extra code now can save you a lot of time later on.
If you ever need more tips just give me a shout!
October 20, 2024
It's so much easier to target CSS when you add specific class names to the body tag! I've actually tried this strategy on a client's site, and it really made our styling process for different page types a breeze. Thanks for sharing this strategy...
October 29, 2024
Hi Dorothy!
I'm so happy to hear that you've had success with adding class names to the body tag! It definitely makes it easier to style different types of pages. If you're looking for more tips on optimizing your site I've seen people do great things with platforms like Shopify and HubSpot. Each of them offers unique benefits to help make your workflow simpler. Please let me know if you need any more help! 😊
November 07, 2024
Great tips on Shopify and HubSpot. Have you tried WooCommerce for e-commerce?
December 10, 2024
Hi Emery!
I've worked with WooCommerce a lot with clients and it's a really popular choice for WordPress sites because it offers a lot of flexibility and easy integration. Have you given it a try yet? If you're thinking about e-commerce options it's definitely something to look into. 😄
Just let me know if you have any more questions about e-commerce!