Blog Content Creation and SEO for Insurance Companies

Insurance is one of the most complex topics for the average customer to understand. Informing your potential customers is the first step to converting them, and you need a content company that understands the insurance industry to create great content for you. At Content Powered, we’re experts in the insurance industry, and have worked with some of the biggest providers in the world.

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We know the insurance industry well (and many sub-industries, too)

The insurance industry is one of our primary specialties. Our expert writers have been producing best-in-class insurance content for car insurance, life insurance, homeowner’s insurance, and other insurance products for over a decade. Whether you’re an insurance provider or an independent broker, we know how to get you in front of your clients.

We know how important it is that you have informed, engaged customers. That’s why we skip the basic content – none of those “what is insurance” posts – and dig deep into the questions your visitors really have. Whether it’s calculating the right death benefit for life insurance, how to compare insurance quotes, or picking the right level of coverage for auto insurance, we dig deep into the topics with expert advice.

Just look at some of the sub-industries in insurance we’ve covered in detail.

There are many valuable topics you could rank for - with the right help

Google has high standards for industries that fall into their "your money or your life" categories, and insurance fits the bill. Making the right decision when buying insurance isn’t easy, and the search engines want to make sure potential customers find valuable, relevant information.

A huge part of modern SEO in the insurance industry is trust. You need your customers to trust you, which means they need to trust the information you provide. That’s why we make sure to produce highly accurate and fact-checked content on topics within your area of expertise.

You’re held to a higher standard than many other blogs, but that’s fine; we set the standard. Your site will be the bar other sites try to clear!

Find what your ideal insurance customer is thinking - then give them the solution

Your customers aren’t just looking for a glossary of insurance terms or an explanation of how insurance works. They want to know what the best kinds of insurance are for them. They want to know whether they need full coverage or limited protection. They want to know the pros and cons of different kinds of insurance, and what factors apply to them.

Coming at the subject from within the insurance industry, it can sometimes be hard to know what your customers don’t know, and what they want to know. That’s why our first step is researching what your ideal customers are looking for, and how to give them that information front and center. Whether it’s a top-level discussion of the kinds of insurance they need, or a step-by-step guide to filing a claim, we put question and answer together.

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Great insurance content deserves great images, too

Insurance isn’t always the most interesting of topics. While we do our best to make the text engaging, our efforts go beyond the written word. Images make the difference between boring walls of text and vibrant, interesting blog posts. That’s why every blog post we create for you will have images every few hundred words.

They aren’t just stock photos with a vague connection to the insurance industry, either. While stock photos are part of what we offer, we also create infographics and charts, take screenshots of apps, and even create custom illustrations just for you.

Every image is yours with the full rights to use it, so your insurance blog will be full of unique custom images.

We make our insurance clients lots of money. How? Content and CRO

Pop quiz: which is more important, the number of visitors to your insurance site, or your site’s conversion rate?

The answer, unsurprisingly, is both. The more people you have visiting your insurance-focused blog, the greater the potential you have to convert them into customers. That’s why we don’t stop with just bringing more traffic to you. We focus heavily on conversion rate optimization, so a greater percentage of those visitors take the action you want.

What action? That’s up to you. Maybe they’re clicking the “Free quote” button. Maybe they’re signing up for your insurance newsletter. Maybe they’re downloading your insurance-focused eBook. Whatever the case may be, we make it happen.

Here are just a few of the service types and content clusters we've created for our insurance clients:

You're in Good Company

We work with companies of all sizes, from small mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 companies:


Here are just a few of the insurance SEO and digital marketing services we can help with:

  • • Website content
  • • Content strategy
  • • Content edits
  • • Lead generation
  • • Search engine optimization
  • • Keyword research
  • • Brand awareness
  • • Graphic design
  • • WordPress management
  • • WordPress upgrades
  • • Publishing for you
  • • Improve speed metrics
  • • Security upgrades
  • • Code and bug fixes
  • • On-page SEO
  • • Off-site SEO
  • • Algorithm updates
  • • Local SEO
  • • Link building
  • • Custom SEO plans
  • • Schema integration
  • • Phone number optimization
  • • Monitoring SERPs
  • • Improve website traffic
  • • Google My Business
  • • Technical SEO
  • • Web design
  • • Website optimization
  • • Meta descriptions
  • • Alt tags
  • • PPC with Google Ads
  • • Landing pages
  • • Google Analytics
  • • User experience
  • • Copywriting
  • • CRO

Let's Grow Your Insurance Business

Want some free consulting? Let’s hop on a call and talk about what we can do to help.

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